Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Quiche with an avocado twist

When avocado is mashed, its smooth creamy texture and high content of good fats make it an excellent alternative to butter in pastry. A well-made quiche is a delicious option for brunches and lunches, and it’s easy to pack up for a picnic.
Serves eight
Avocado pastry:
200g mashed avocado (about 2 medium-sized avocados)
400g self-raising flour, plus extra for flouring the bench
Ice cold water, as needed
Pinch of salt
2 cups boneless ham, chopped
1 courgette, peeled in ribbons
1 bunch broccolini or asparagus, ends trimmed
5 eggs
2/3 cup cream
3 tbsp basil pesto
200g feta, broken in chunks
Salt and pepper
To serve:
A handful of basil leaves
